Process of setting OKRs

Efficient Experience

While implementing OKR, the objective is qualitative and provides a broad goal or what is to be accomplished. These objectives are backed up by key results, which are quantitative and measurable benchmarks which monitor how the objective is achieved. Key Results (KRs) are specific, measurable and time-bound. OKRs are a handy tool for aligning goals throughout an organization and across teams.


Deliver an amazing customer support experience

Key Results

→ Achieve a customer satisfaction of rating of 90%+ for all tier-1 solutions.

→ Troubleshoot tier-1 issues within an hour.

→ Troubleshoot and resolve 95% of tier-2 issues within 24 hours.

→ Each customer support representative should attain a customer satisfaction score of 95% or more.


Receive positive feedback from customers on their experience

Key Results

→ Increase net promoter score from 4 to 9.

→ Increase positive mentions on social media from customers from 30 to 60 per month.

→ Increase number of reviews on customer portal from 35 to 60 per month.


Deliver personalized customer experience.

Key Results

→ Deliver at least 2 personal grants per customer per quarter.

→ Increase the number of personalized new product offers per quarter from 0 to 2.

→ Offer 1 personalized email newsletter per month.

→ Develop customer portal for customization requests.


Deliver instant messaging/chat support to customers

Key Results

→ Maintain a thumbs up rate of 75% from customer support chats.

→ Maintain a thumbs down rate of 5% or less from online customer support chats.

→ Decrease missed chats rate from 2% to 0%.